Mr H P Singh IPS officer Retired DGP 61 years Young doing 20 Push ups he was suffering from Slipped Disc Sciatica Issues was not able to walk even 3 minutes After taking Spine Physiotherapy Fitness services Mission Health He can walk 30 minutes and do 20 push ups 2 sets and much more

MissionHealth, SuperSpecialitySpineClinic, SpecialisedFitness, AdvancedPersonalTraining, YourSportsPhysio, ComingSoonWithCentreOfExcellence, MovementIsLife.

Mr. H.P.Singh, IPS officer, Retired DGP, 61 years Young doing 20 Push ups, he was suffering from Slipped Disc/Sciatica Issues & was not able to walk even 3 minutes. After taking Spine Physiotherapy & Fitness services @ Mission Health, He can walk 30 minutes and do 20 push ups 2 sets and much more... #MissionHealth #SuperSpecialitySpineClinic #SpecialisedFitness #AdvancedPersonalTraining #YourSportsPhysio #ComingSoonWithCentreOfExcellence #MovementIsLife.

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